Sunday, April 29, 2012

Runs from April 22-28, 2012, 32.43 Miles

April 23, 2012

5.09 Miles
52:32 Time
10:27 Pace

April 24, 2012

6.49 Miles
1:06:35 Time
10:16 Pace

I struggled a bit.  Timex was there, so I got to sample a watch.  I opted for the cheap $99 model.  It was neat it showed my pace as I ran and it seemed to be accurate.  How should I taper for my half?  How about no running Wednesday, 5 miles Thursday and    3 easy miles Friday?

April 26, 2012

5.09 Miles
53:22 Time
10:29 Pace

Nice and easy pace.  Felt good.
April 27, 2012

2.66 Miles
27:03 Time
10:10 Pace

Feeling good for my race.  I guess I will try starting out semi slow for the first few miles and then pick up the pace.  I sometimes get an energy boost.  With my last half I did a negative split. 1st half 1:05:58/9:53 and 2nd half 1:04:03/9:35.  The last two miles were both 8:57, my fastest miles. 50th time I did this route.

April 28, 2012

13.1 Miles
2:03:38 Time
9:24 Pace

The Verrazano/Shore Road Park Half, Brooklyn, NY

Official Time: 2:03:38/13.10 Miles/9:24 Pace (Prior PR 2:09:39, so I beat that by 6:01)
CardioTrainer: 2:03:04/13.27 Miles/9:16 Pace

CardioTrainer 1st Half 60:16/6.635 Miles/9:05 Pace
CardioTrainer 2nd Half 62:48/6.635 Miles/9:28 Pace

I finished 207/326 (Bottom 37%, last half was bottom 27%)
I finsihed 48/63 (Bottom 24%, Males 30-39)


Great race. Low key affair with only 326 runners. It never really felt crowded despite the narrow course and I felt the weather was great. A little windy at times, but I never felt too hot or too cold in shorts and tshirt. I believe the temperature was in the 40s. Another aid station would have helped but I can't complain. I felt good for basically the entire race. I was trying get as close to 1:59:59 as possible and I feel it was a success, despite me initially thinking it was over before it began (see the full report.)

Full Report:

I honestly thought the race was over before it started. I chatted with two runners who I met on the subway who were going to the race and who swore the stop was the last one even though I thought it was a few stops before. We got to Shore Road at about 8:30, saw a very nice view of the Verrazano bridge and then realized we did in fact pick the wrong stop and we were about 2 miles from the start, which was suppose to be 9 AM. We jogged along, and I was carrying a bag with a change of clothes and some food, which certainly didn't help me run. Before the start, I was able to get the bib and do bag check and chat with a Daily Mile friend. (I knew it was her with her Miami shirt!) I also waited a few minutes for a Port O Potty but the race started before I could go and I figured I'd rather run with the runners at the start, which luckily didn't start until 9:10.

I went with the flow for the first few miles. I caught up with my friend and her posse and asked what she was pacing. She glanced at her watch and said 8 something and I surprised, I was worried I was going a little fast. I kept running at the pace caused it seemed comfortable and got to the first turn around in about 37 minutes (though based on my splits it looks it was a bit shorter than that) and then was hoping to get back to the start in about the same time. I turned around and felt a strong head wind and pushed along to get to the start. I guess the pros of loop courses is you know what to expect, though with such a straight course it can be psychology frustrating to see the start/finish area and still be almost a mile away.

I kept at it, felt good the whole race, even though my pace started to slip a bit. I didn't feel too beat up when I finished but I was super hungry. (I ate a turkey wrap and a Subway footlong within 3 hours of the finish.) I saw Christian and Melina, the two runners from the subway and they were pretty apologetic but I told them not to worry, I felt pleased with how I ran. I have heard a nice warm up run does help so no idea if the unplanned warmup helped or hurt me. I also saw Christian a few times during the race as well. Seems like friendly people.

 Other Notes:

Course description
Run 4.05 miles along Shore Park road and turn around and
run 4.05 miles back to the start/finish
Run 2.50 miles along Shore Park road and turn around and
run 2.50 miles back to the start/finish

Fuel Breakfast: smoothie, banana, GU (close to the start) (no coffee due to the rush to get to the start)
Fuel Race: two GUs, water/Gatorade, 1 package energy chews.

2:30 (.27 Miles/9:15 Pace)
(Not sure, but the big drop after mile 4 turn around might be due to the head winds)

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