Saturday, April 14, 2012

Runs from April 8-14, 2012, 38.61 Miles

April 9, 2012

5.3 Miles
54:16 Time
10:14 Pace

I guess I can call it a recovery run?  Tried to keep it slow and consistent, but I noticed my pace was all over the pace after the run when I checked my splits.  9:16 (downhill, we did the reverse route), 11:00, 10:45, 9:44, 10:24.

April 10, 2012

7.14 Miles
1:10:54    Time
9:56 Pace

The Waveny group did 100s on the track and some people lapped me twice.  On the way back to Waveny, I was able to keep up.  It was tough and the other runners looked effortless.  Jim, a coach who shows up, said I look better overall but I was overstriding at the end, whatever that means. I also have a cold, so I spent the rest of the day drinking liquids.

April 12, 2012

2.66 Miles
21:05 Time
7:56 Pace

Fastest run of 2012.  20:39 is my record for the 2.66 mile route, so I am not that far off.

April 13, 2012

8.2 Miles
1:31:18 Time
11:08 Pace

Nice day for a run.

April 14, 2012

15.31 Miles
2:50:21 Time
11:08 Pace

I seem to hit a slump in the middle, maybe from fueling or maybe hills.  Miles 1-5 and 11-15 took 54:28 and 54:40 (~10:54 pace) but miles 6-10 took 60:26 (12:05 pace).  Miles 13 and 15 were my 2nd and 3rd fastest miles (10:19, 10:27 pace).  CardioTrainer had total climb as .4 miles (hilly!)  Stopped 3 times for water and Gatorade and brought 2 packs of energy blasts.

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