Saturday, July 2, 2011

15.31 Mile Long Run

15.31 Miles
3:05:14 Time
12:06 Pace

Longest run in awhile.  Sort of crashed/bonked during the last few miles.  I had to walk now and then, maybe 20% walking.
I picked a hilly route, CardioTrainer has the total climb as .3 miles, but I was still hoping for sub 12 min pace overall.
Fuel-1 gel/Gatorade Prime/8oz water 1 hour into the run, same thing 40 min later and then 20 minutes after I stopped at a store to buy a 16oz Gatorade which I drank in 20 minutes.
Listened to-The Church-Starfish (Most of it), E-A Man Called E and Live-Throwing Copper.


  1. Does this mean you're not doing the Holiday Marathon on Monday, Aron?

  2. A little too hot for me. I am maybe for the Labor Day Marathon and 100% yes for the Halloween Marathon.
